
Optimizing your immune system during the current COVID-19 crisis


Optimizing your immune system during the current COVID-19 crisis


[UPDATED Mar. 26, 2020]

Optimizing your immune system during the current COVID-19 crisis

We have entered uncharted waters and an unprecedented time.  This Covid-19 crisis has and will impact our lives forever. Things are definitely going to change, but not necessarily negatively,  as there will be a lot of positive outcomes stemming from this.

Now, more than ever, people are prioritizing their health and taking preventive measures to stay healthy. This will be a big long-term win for humanity. Increased awareness of health and hygiene practices will now become common practice paving a way for a significantly healthier general population.

Optimizing your immune system is one of the best places to start. It is your bodies main line of defence against contracting contagions such as viruses. This couldn’t be more relevant than it is now. Focusing on your immune system health isn’t only important for you, but also others you come into contact with. By doing your part to stay healthy also helps stop the spread of this pandemic and benefits everyone.

If you are interested in improving your immune system now please keep reading…

What is your immune system?

Your immune system is essential for survival and is your bodies natural firewall against pathogens like viruses and bacteria.  When functioning properly, it can distinguish between the “good guys” from the “bad guys” (remember there are a lot of beneficial bacterias as well aka probiotics) and launch an appropriate response. This complex system is made up of many biological structures and processes.

The main parts of the immune system are:
  • white blood cells
  • antibodies
  • complement system
  • lymphatic system
  • spleen
  • bone marrow
  • thymus.

As well as the immune system, the body has several other ways to defend itself against microbes, including:

  • skin – a waterproof barrier that secretes oil with bacteria-killing properties
  • lungs – mucous in the lungs (phlegm) traps foreign particles, and small hairs (cilia) wave the mucous upwards so it can be coughed out
  • digestive tract – the mucous lining contains antibodies, and the acid in the stomach can kill most microbes
  • other defences – body fluids like skin oil, saliva and tears contain anti-bacterial enzymes that help reduce the risk of infection. The constant flushing of the urinary tract and the bowel also helps.

80% of your immune system is actually in your gut!

Your gut and your immune system are critically linked, in fact 70-80 percent of your immune tissue is situated in your digestive tract. Your digestive tract or GI tract is actually the one of the last protective barriers from the outside world to our bloodstream. This is an incredibly important aspect to understand as without the GI tract functioning properly your immune system is sure to be compromised. 
How do you optimize your immune system?
Prioritizing your gut health is probably one of the most important things you can do now to improve your immune system. This is not only about improving your digestion, but also how your GI tract reacts and deals with pathogens. Leaky gut syndrome is now a fairly common term to describe gut permeability issues. This basically means your gut is letting in foreign invaders. This leads to your immune and detoxification systems working overtime to try and defeat them. When your body malfunctions and starts letting in unwanted and unhealthy particles into your bloodstream, it can lead to a malfunctioning immune system.

What else can you do?

Other important factors to consider when optimizing your immune system:

Get restful sleep – getting regenerative sleep is critical to your overall physical and mental health 

Eat mindfully – eat a balanced diet of mainly unprocessed foods and eat them mindfully 

Try supplements – try supplementing your diet with health supplements to help fortify your defences. 

  • Since most are staying indoors these days Vitamin D seem like a logical choice as it normally produced by the body during exposure to sunlight. 
  • Vitamin C has been recommended by health professionals for years as an inexpensive way to boost your immune system specially during cold and flu season.
  • Zinc is a crucial mineral for your body. It is involved with thousands of functions within your body including regulating your immune system.
  • Humic and fulvic acids are naturally occurring substances found in nature. They contain over 80 nutrients, most of which are no longer found in todays modern foods. These health boosting powerhouses have been for centuries to support immune system, improve gut health and reduce inflammation.  

Stay safe, healthy and diligent.VI

DISCLAIMER: Some of the above information has been derived from experimental data and has thus not been approved by standard medical bodies as of yet. The above data does not take into account any genetic defects or other unforseen problems related to nutrition and metabolism. This information is not intended to replace any medical procedure, advice or protocol prescribed by a medical practitioner. Consult your doctor before going on any intensive nutritional supplementation

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Aeon fulvic acid supplement

AEON - 100% Natural Fulvic & Humic acids

AEON is the evolution of Shilajit, an ancient Ayurvedic medicine used for thousands of years for its vast health benefits and longevity properties. 

  • improve gut health by improving microbiome and helping heal leaky gut
  • optimize immune system by providing natural trace minerals and other vital nutrients lacking in todays modern diet
  • reduce inflammation in joints, organs and muscles through strong anti-oxidant properties and detoxification action  
  • increase energy by balancing pH and electrolytes

Science has identified that Shilajit is a source of Fulvic and Humic Acids, which are it’s active ingredients and why it works. 

They are Nature’s organic super nutrients that nourish and detoxify your body and mind. AEON is 100% Canadian sourced, extracted and purified Fulvic and Humic acids


Pascal T
Pascal T
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"Heard about Aeon from friend of mine, told me that I could healed my leaky gut and get rid of my daily heartburn. After a week or so, I could feel my heartburn go away, the bloating and stomachache also. But I got way more than that. Overall guys, this stuff is 11/10 in my book. Gave me my life back. No more pain and I’m feeling 25years old."
Olivia N
Olivia N
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Eddie P
Eddie P
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Michelle Anapen
Michelle Anapen
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"AEON is life changing and gut changing for me! I have been struggling constantly with my bloating issues and bowel movement. And being a female, this can create such negative impact in my head and overall body positivity. When I started taking AEON, within 24 hours to 48 hours of taking it, I have less to little bloating episodes, I feel leaner overall especially in my stomach area, and my bowel movement is more regular. Also, the absorption of my supplements is more noticeable during my workout sessions because of my healthier gut flora. AEON has been part of our daily routine, and recently, I have been sipping AEON infuse water during my shift at work. I can't do without it. It is a must in our household."
Susy Wells
Susy Wells
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"I am an active person and my diet and lifestyle are great. Unfortunately we are chronically exposed to environmental toxins which can cause health and digestive issues. I use AEON everyday to help my stomach, immune system and energy levels. I love it and recommend it to anyone looking to stay healthy and active!"
Thiago Angelon
Thiago Angelon@Thiagoangelon
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"I had a intestine health issue that used to cause me fatigue, restless sensation, brain fog low energy and low brain function. And the connection brain intestine is so strong and real. So I started drinking AEON and I’ve been experiencing the benefits of it in a short period of time. Now I feel more energy, I’m able to be more focused, my intestine is much better and also my brain in general is functioning great. My whole body health is much better now. I’m able to do my daily activities and trainings and much better performance and quality! Thank you AEON"

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INVIKTVS Scientific Innovations Inc.
186-8120 No 2 Road
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DISCLAIMER: Some of the above information has been derived from experimental data and has thus not been approved by standard medical bodies as of yet. The above data does not take into account any genetic defects or other unforseen problems related to nutrition and metabolism. This information is not intended to replace any medical procedure, advice or protocol prescribed by a medical practitioner. Consult your doctor before going on any intensive nutritional supplementation

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