
COVID-19 News Watch – March 23/2020


COVID-19 News Watch – March 23/2020


Quarantine the cat? Disinfect the dog? The latest advice about the coronavirus and your pets.

Summary: When a Pomeranian in Hong Kong tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 last week, pets quickly became part of the coronavirus conversation. The case raised the alarming possibility that pets could become part of the transmission chain for the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, which could potentially harm both them and us. But many questions remain about this possibility and how best to respond.

Source: https://www.sciencemag.org

The award-winning daily news site of the journal Science. Every day the news staff of Science magazine and our contributing freelancers bring you breaking news from the world of scientific research and science policy. Our offerings include breaking research news, ScienceInsider (news and analysis from the world of science policy), and Sifter, a blog that points you to the best science stories on the web. We also post a weekly podcast. 

Read the full article here: https://neurosciencenews.com/covid-19-digestive-symptoms-15942/

Redeploying plant defences

Summary: The complicated secondary metabolism of plants has been the source of countless medicinal compounds and leads for drug discovery. It is little surprise then that plant products and their analogues have been employed as an early line of defence against COVID-19. On 17 February, the Chinese State Council announced that chloroquine phosphate — a structural analogue of quinine, originally extracted from the bark of cinchona trees — can be used for treating COVID-19 patients.

Source: www.nature.com

Epidemic diseases are not a new phenomenon, but easy access to transport in the modern world has accelerated their spread. Perhaps some botanical understanding can help slow them down.

Read the full article here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41477-020-0628-0

The Simplest Way to Spot Coronavirus Misinformation on Social Media

Summary: If you were on Twitter Monday (Mar.1/20), there’s a solid chance you ran across the tweet above, imploring readers not to use hand sanitizer to guard against the coronavirus. In less than a day, it was retweeted nearly 100,000 times and racked up a quarter of a million likes. 

Source: Will Oremus – Senior Writer and Digital Literacy Expert https://onezero.medium.com/@WillOremus

The tweet, part of a plague of misinformation that has accompanied the spread of COVID-19 around the world, illustrates how social media could worsen the outbreak by encouraging counterproductive actions.

Read the full article here: https://onezero.medium.com/the-simplest-way-to-spot-coronavirus-misinformation-on-social-media-4b7995448071

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Aeon fulvic acid supplement

AEON - 100% Natural Fulvic & Humic acids

AEON is the evolution of Shilajit, an ancient Ayurvedic medicine used for thousands of years for its vast health benefits and longevity properties. 

  • improve gut health by improving microbiome and helping heal leaky gut
  • optimize immune system by providing natural trace minerals and other vital nutrients lacking in todays modern diet
  • reduce inflammation in joints, organs and muscles through strong anti-oxidant properties and detoxification action  
  • increase energy by balancing pH and electrolytes

Science has identified that Shilajit is a source of Fulvic and Humic Acids, which are it’s active ingredients and why it works. 

They are Nature’s organic super nutrients that nourish and detoxify your body and mind. AEON is 100% Canadian sourced, extracted and purified Fulvic and Humic acids


Pascal T
Pascal T
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"Heard about Aeon from friend of mine, told me that I could healed my leaky gut and get rid of my daily heartburn. After a week or so, I could feel my heartburn go away, the bloating and stomachache also. But I got way more than that. Overall guys, this stuff is 11/10 in my book. Gave me my life back. No more pain and I’m feeling 25years old."
Olivia N
Olivia N
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"My life is busy and I don’t have a lot of time to juggle a million supplements. I just want something that works and is easy to take".
Eddie P
Eddie P
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"I am a bodybuilder, actor, busy dad and stunt double for actors such as Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. I have to be healthy, energetic and in shape all year around and AEON has been my secret weapon for success."
Michelle Anapen
Michelle Anapen
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"AEON is life changing and gut changing for me! I have been struggling constantly with my bloating issues and bowel movement. And being a female, this can create such negative impact in my head and overall body positivity. When I started taking AEON, within 24 hours to 48 hours of taking it, I have less to little bloating episodes, I feel leaner overall especially in my stomach area, and my bowel movement is more regular. Also, the absorption of my supplements is more noticeable during my workout sessions because of my healthier gut flora. AEON has been part of our daily routine, and recently, I have been sipping AEON infuse water during my shift at work. I can't do without it. It is a must in our household."
Susy Wells
Susy Wells
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"I am an active person and my diet and lifestyle are great. Unfortunately we are chronically exposed to environmental toxins which can cause health and digestive issues. I use AEON everyday to help my stomach, immune system and energy levels. I love it and recommend it to anyone looking to stay healthy and active!"
Thiago Angelon
Thiago Angelon@Thiagoangelon
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"I had a intestine health issue that used to cause me fatigue, restless sensation, brain fog low energy and low brain function. And the connection brain intestine is so strong and real. So I started drinking AEON and I’ve been experiencing the benefits of it in a short period of time. Now I feel more energy, I’m able to be more focused, my intestine is much better and also my brain in general is functioning great. My whole body health is much better now. I’m able to do my daily activities and trainings and much better performance and quality! Thank you AEON"

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DISCLAIMER: Some of the above information has been derived from experimental data and has thus not been approved by standard medical bodies as of yet. The above data does not take into account any genetic defects or other unforseen problems related to nutrition and metabolism. This information is not intended to replace any medical procedure, advice or protocol prescribed by a medical practitioner. Consult your doctor before going on any intensive nutritional supplementation

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